Chinese Ministry

Leader: Jay Liu

The Chinese Ministry of the Tiburon Baptist Church welcomes all Chinese speakers from Marin and beyond who want to learn and share the love of Jesus Christ through prayers, worship and Bible study, and live in the fullness of life through Jesus.



Sunday Regular schedule:

08:50 am Chinese Prayer Meeting (Room #23, First Floor)

09:10 am Chinese Bible Study (Room #23, First Floor)

09:00 am - 10:10 am Sunday School in English, birth to 5th grade (Downstairs)

10:20 am Coffee & Tea (Main Floor)

10:30am - 11:40am Children’s Childcare, birth to Preschool

10:30 am Worship Service (Sanctuary, First Floor)

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Chinese Class

The Mandarin Chinese class of the Tiburon Baptist Church offers lessons to students from the Marin community. The teachers adopt Meizhou Chinese textbook, supplemented with fun electronic teaching materials. It is designed specially for students growing up in North America. Students learn the multi-skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. They also learn to explore Chinese culture, daily live activities, arts, literature, foods, history, geography and many others.

Start Day of Fall Term The first Sunday after Labor Day in September

End of School year Around mid-June.

Date/Time Every Sunday except public holiday,

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Elementary classes

TIburon Baptist Church
445 Greenwood Beach Rd, Tiburon, California 94920

Contact Persons:

Wenkang Hou 



Tiburon浸信教会的中文事工欢迎马林县(Marin County) 和其周边的华人来参加我们教会的敬拜、中文祈祷会、和查经班,一起分享耶稣基督的爱,凭借耶稣得以生活的更充实。




早上 08:50 中文祈祷会 

早上 09:10 中文查经班 

早上 09 - 10:10 儿童英语主日学, 婴儿至5年级 (楼下教室)

早上 10:20 早茶 (教堂入口处)

早上 10:30 - 11:40 幼儿保育室,婴儿至学龄前儿童 (楼下教室)

早上 10:30 敬拜 (英文/普通话同声传译)(一楼礼拜堂)

下午1:00 - 3:00




开课时间: 每年九月劳动节(Labor Day)后第一个星期日。

学期结束: 次年六月中旬前。

时间/地点: 每逢星期天(公共假期除外)下午1:00-3:00

地点:Tiburon浸信教会教室 445 Greenwood Beach Rd, Tiburon, California 94920


Wenkang Hou 侯文康, 电话 (415) 388-3900 ç”µé‚®ï¼š